The only planning poker bot for Slack that integrates with Atlassian Jira

Meet your agile estimation assistant

Refine your backlog asynchronously with Groomba bot for Slack.

See how industry leaders are saving engineering hours

By cutting down on time in Jira and meetings, teams have saved 10000 hours combined.


Choose between planning poker, T-shirt sizes, and other pointing scales. Many other customizations available!


Your data is safe with Groomba bot for Slack. We prioritize information security through dedicated oversight, policies, and compliance, implementing robust access controls, encryption measures, and monitoring systems to ensure the secure handling of customer data and swift incident response.


Integration with Jira means that we can stay on top of your backlog for you. Story points, flags, and comments are automatically attached to issues in Jira to rid your process of paperwork so you can focus on building.

Getting started

1. Install Groomba

2. Connect Jira

Follow the prompts to connect Jira or type /groomba connect

3. Create a team

Create and customize your team with /groomba new-team

4. Estimate Jira issues

Estimate issues with /groomba ISSUE-1 ISSUE-2

Buy back engineer-hours with simple pricing.



1 team free


$4 / mo

per user (first team free)

Your Slack workspace will start with a 1 month free trial. After that, you can decide whether to continue using unlimited teams.


tbd / mo

per user
  • For greater than 100 users
  • Please email for details

Compare plans

Free Standard Enterprise
Unlimited polls
Custom pointing scales
Automatic Jira updates
Custom pointing averaging
Unlimited teams/backlogs
Expedited feature requests